I think your articles on obesity as an endocrine disorder are pretty good. I'm reading your book now.
And it may turn out that fasting, overall, is better for you than worse. That doesn't inherently mean its better for "every part of your body."
But this article misses it's mark regarding the study.
Some thoughts.
1 ==========
The AHA only stated a correlation. The media implied causation. Don't confuse people's stupidities with the AHA's stupidity.
And, of course, we all know that a single research project never a scientific truth makes. Not ever.
2 ==========
"Healthy User Bias."
A real thing. But, of course, to assume this is the case is just as assumptive as assuming correlation is causation.
Just because "Healthy User Bias" happens, one still needs to prove that it is specifically what happened here.
3 ==========
"Does this make sense physiologically?"
"Do you think the human body is so massively stupid that every time we didn’t eat for 16 hours, we caused some permanent damage to our heart?"
Well. Maybe. Because the answer is, yes. Yes, it very likely might. Because it does all the time :/ LOTS of things the body does do not "makes sense physiologically." Ultimately, this is an Argumentum ad lapidem (Appeal to the stone) and a Subjective validation.
Remember, your body doesn't care about you. Evolution does not conserve traits that lead to happiness, long life, or health.
Evolution conserves traits that allow you to live long enough to produce offspring and bring them to adulthood.
And then evolution wants you to die.
There's unending examples of the body doing something effective only for short term survival, which is bad for long term survival. Hell, this is the very definition of inflammation which improves short term survival, after which it creates long-term damage.
And, as I suspect you know, there's many studies showing that calories restriction (in the form of dieting for weight loss) may actually be worse for the body than being obese.