Of course, those of us who have studied our religion, and our Bible, know that the Bible has never been the inerrant word of God*. It was a book written by men, describing their understanding of, and experiences with, the Christian God. And it is filled with errors and alterations, both unintentional and intentional, compared to the lost originals.
It has, of course, been influenced be the other existing religions around it, again, both accidentally and as an attempt to absorb those religions.
Although, from a wholly scientific perspective, the idea of "parallel evolution" should also be mentioned. I.e. Since much of the Bible was based on observed human experience reflected against the writer's understanding of God - then it is no surprise that two different, unrelated authors would see the same human conditions and human morals (which are neurobiologically engrained) and come up with similar myths to reflect them against God. (See also Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth.)
* I find this use of the word GOD (in all caps) an interesting glimpse into the mindset of the modern Christian. Grammatically, up until around 2005-2010, the word "God" was name-case capitalized (first letter.) However, at some point, Christians decided this didn't make it look "important enough." So started to capitalize the entire word.
What's next? Italics too? And then bold? I'm not just being petty (although I find it deeply personally annoying.) I find it indicative of how modern Christians are always trying to inflate their belief. Bigger, bolder, louder, more "look how much more important God is to me than you!" sort of thing.
It's very classic American :D