The only issue I take with the "Stop spending money on higher edication" is the (false) idea that has been driven into American's heads that education is only about a paycheck.
Sure, as a former truck driver, I can confidently say that a good paycheck can be made without a college education. Easily. On the other hand, an uneducated population is headed for inevitable disaster, as we have seen just from the Covid pandemic (5G causes Covid???!) We would be well served to remember that the first target of any despotic regime is the academics. At least, we would remember this if we had studied it in a higher education.
In defense of your article, the paycheck-value of a degree versus the cost, in the US at least, is a disaster. But, then again, the US is an abberation compared to the rest of the modern world.
I cannot argueagainst the practicality of your advice for the individual. I just wish we, as a community, would stop advocating to the individual to skip higher learning - and instead advocate to them to demand reasonable access to higher ed from our leaders. On our current track, we risk America becoming the cheap labor force of the world (what we used to make fun of China for) while the rest of the first word becomes the innovators, the scientists, and the knowledge keepers.